She became even more famous after being diagnosed with colon cancer…
My name is Ann Cameron.
On Tuesday July 30th, 2013 I had a CT scan for malignant tumors in my lungs. On Thursday August 1st 2013,
I got the results:
“No evidence of cancer.”
I believe from personal experience that carrot juice can cure cancer–and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary changes. I think carrots are worth a try for nearly everyone diagnosed with cancer, because the results show up very fast.
Here’s the history of my experience:
On June 6 I had surgery for a newly diagnosed Stage 3 colon cancer. I declined the recommended chemotherapy and felt better and better from that date. But six months later, on November 6, I had a CT scan follow-up that showed probable cancer in my lungs.
The oncologist said I had Stage 4 colon cancer metastasized to the lungs. Later I learned that the colon cancer surgeon believed the cancer in the lungs was unrelated to the colon cancer, an independent development. His reasoning was that colon cancer, even metastasized, grows very slowly, and the two lung tumors were growing fast.
The oncologist also said radiation wouldn’t help me. She recommended chemotherapy to retard my demise, but said chemotherapy wouldn’t cure the cancer. I asked the surgeon about my life expectancy. He told me that without chemo I probably had only two to three years to live–and not much more with chemo.
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