He thought of practicing his lecture on the eight year boy who was sitting across him on the aisle seat.
Man(to boy): "Hey! do you know, the matter is composed of Quarks and Gluons which makes up to the 99% of the mass of the Universe?"
The boy smiled.
Man: "Well, I am researching on how the universe evolved just after the big bang from a super hot plasma of quarks and gluons, I bet I can answer all your questions."
Boy: "Well do you know the percentage of water in horse's shit?"
Man: "Whhaat?.. No"
Boy: "The color of horse's shit?"
Man: "Hmm......Noo!"
Boy: "The average dump a horse takes in a day?"
Man: "....No"
Well, Sir! ..What's the use of knowing Universe when you don't know SHIT.
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